they have an aggregate length of about 2,000 feet 意味

  • 総延長約 2,000 フィートある


        have an aftershaft of equal length:    後羽{うしろばね}が同じ長さである、長さが同じ後羽が生えている[付いている]
        have an aura about:    雰囲気を漂わせている
        have an instinct about:    ~の勘がいい
        have an opportunity to meet and talk at length:    会ってじっくり話し合う機会{きかい}を持つ
        have an advanced understanding about:    ~について理解{りかい}を深める、~をもっとよく理解する、~をより理解{りかい}する、~のより良い理解{りかい}[理論{りろん}]を発展{はってん}させる[育てる?打ち立てる]◆【用法】develop または bring about と better understanding が共起する用例(400種類)を調査したところ、すべてが「a better understanding」というように
        have an attractive aura about:    (人)には人を引き付けるオーラがある
        have an interview with someone about:    ~に関して[ついて](人)にインタビューする
        have an open discussion about:    ~についてオープンに話し合う
        have an uncanny instinct about:    ~について不思議{ふしぎ}な直感{ちょっかん}が働く
        have an iq of 2, but it takes 3 to grunt:    頭の足りない[悪い?鈍い?弱い]、脳たりんの、ばかな、あほな、とんまな、間抜けな、能なしの、愚か者の、うすのろの◆【同】stupid ; idiot ; dumb ; slow to understand
        have an intuition about when and how to act:    いつどのように行動{こうどう}すべきかを直感{ちょっかん}する
        have an uneasy feeling about a purchase of the stock:    その株の購入{こうにゅう}に関して不安感{ふあんかん}を抱く
        at an aggregate level:    集団{しゅうだん}レベルで
        on an aggregate basis:    集計{しゅうけい}ベースで
        000:    {名-1} : 《編集》後でこの数字を正しい数字に変えよ◆原稿を作成中に使用される編集用記号。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名-2} : 《電話》オーストラリアの緊急電話番号◆警察、救急、消防。日本の110番と119番を一緒にした番号。


  1. "they have allowed their emotions to color their thinking" 意味
  2. "they have already introduced censorship on news from the front" 意味
  3. "they have already received support far exceeding their expectations" 意味
  4. "they have always admired him extravagantly" 意味
  5. "they have always been good neighbors to us" 意味
  6. "they have an immensely profitable stake in the us capital market" 意味
  7. "they have an important interest in the matter" 意味
  8. "they have an instinctive distrust of door-to-door salesmen" 意味
  9. "they have an unquestioning faith in god" 意味
  10. "they have always admired him extravagantly" 意味
  11. "they have always been good neighbors to us" 意味
  12. "they have an immensely profitable stake in the us capital market" 意味
  13. "they have an important interest in the matter" 意味

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